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در خصوص خبر معرفي جناب آقاي شوشتري بعنوان كانديداي شهرداري مشهد متاسفانه ايشان مورد بي مهري قرار گرفتند.

گرچه من معرف ايشان نبودم ولي وظيفه خودم مي‌دانم از شخصيت ارزشمند و مديريت خوب ايشان دفاع نمايم.

ايشان مديري توانمند و پرتلاش هستند و مردم مشهد خاطره تلاش شبانه روزي و پيگيري هاي مجدانه ايشان در قطار شهري بويژه در دوره شوراي اول را فراموش نخواهند كرد.

همچنين مديريت خوب ايشان در سازمان همياري شهرداري هاي استان ، سازمان اتوبوس راني مشهد و ساماندهي معضلات حاد پديده در خور تقدير است.



احمد نوروزی

عضو شورای شهر پنجم

1193 پاسخ
  1. Vilia
    Vilia گفته:

    An argumentative essay typically requires a high amount of literature research. It needs thorough research for appropriate materials. Besides, sometimes the argumentative essays also need one to research through several methods like surveys, experiments, interviews, or observations. Suppliers are usually not as action-oriented as doers. However, they have a lot of resources at their disposal – like money, manpower, materials, etc. Because of the amount of resources they have, suppliers have the means to help people move forward. They can get you what you resources you don’t have yourself. Bethsheba Kwago The purpose of this paragraph is to make you sound more objective and reasonable. It helps anticipate the objections of your audience. Include arguments that your audience might pose against your argument and refute them. End the paragraph with a concluding sentence that reasserts your paper’s claim as a whole.
    Our topical resources page offers resources that may help when writing refections essays. For some students, reflecting on their learning may be difficult, and it may be an unfamiliar practice based on socio-cultural backgrounds and schooling histories. For neurodivergent students, reflective activities may require additional or modified instructions and different ways of responding to a prompt. To accommodate all learners and to demonstrate the value of reflective writing, instructors should consider the following: A reflective essay still follows academic conventions, for instance, it is structured with a beginning, middle, and end, and it should have a logical series of paragraphs. Also, you need to acknowledge the sources of your work and understanding.
