حریف بروسلی را شکست دادم

در 13 فروردین ماه 1325 در مشهد متولد شد و از کودکی به دلیل علاقه شدیدش به ورزش در رشته‌های مختلف از قبیل کشتی، والیبال و… شرکت کرد. از همان ابتدا کار به دلیل بدن خوش تراش و عضلانی که داشت از سمت اطرافیان به رشته پرورش اندام تشویق شد تا جایی که در سن 16 سالگی قدم در راه این ورزش حرفه‌ای گذاشت. وی با الگوگیری از محمد رضوی قهرمان وزنه برداری استان خراسان و با ورود به باشگاه ورزش او تمرینات حرفه‌ای خود را در زمینه بدنسازی آغاز کرد و دو سال بعد توانست سه مقام ارزشمند قهرمانی آسیا در رشته کوتاه قدها، سومی جهان و قهرمانی کشور را کسب کند.

وی در سال 1353 در مسابقات قهرمانی آسیا در کشور مالزی حریف جان آونگ هنرپیشه و رقیب بروسلی در فیلم اژدها وارد می‌شود شد که توانست این هنرپیشه را در این مسابقات شکست داده و به مقام قهرمانی دست یابد. در این مسابقات جان آونگ به مقام پانزدهم دست یافت.

افتخارات ورزشی

در گفت‌وگویی صمیمانه با سهراب سرابی قهرمان اسبق بدنسازی نشستیم که در ادامه آن را می خوانید: فعالیت در رشته بدنسازی را از سال ۱۳۴۱ در سن ۱۶ سالگی آغاز کرد. پس از چندی توانست توجه محمد رضوی از قهرمانان وزنه‌برداری استان خراسان و مدیر یک باشگاه بدنسازی را جلب کرده و اجازه ورود به باشگاه را دریافت نماید. در سال ۱۳۴۴سرابی ۱۸ ساله توانست سه مقام در بدنسازی کسب کند.

سرابی درباره گرایش خود به رشته بدنسازی گفت: بدنسازی در آن دوران طیف گسترده امروزی را نداشت و ما اغلب در رشته‌های باستانی و کشتی فعالیت می‌کردیم، اما گذشت زمان و عضلانی بودن بدنم به تشویق دوستان به رشته بدنسازی و پرورش اندام علاقه‌مند شدم.

وی تصریح کرد: هم اکنون بیش از 2000 هزار سالن ورزشی ویژه بدنسازی و پرورش اندام در استان فعال است، در حالی در زمانی که ما در این رشته مهیج و جوان پسند فعالیت می‌کردیم آمار سالن‌های ورزشی به تعداد انگشتان دست نمی‌رسید و بارها مجبور بودیم مسیرهای طولانی از منزل تا محل تمرین را پیاده و یا با دوچرخه طی کنیم تا ساعتی در کنار مربی و سایر ورزشکاران به ساخت بدن خود بپردازیم و همه این‌ها فقط عشق و علاقه به رشته ورزشی بود، نه پول مطرح بود و نه کسب عناوین قهرمانی آنچه که بیش از همه مورد توجه ورزشکاران قرار می‌گرفت کسب افتخارات ملی برای سرزمین بود و نگاهی دیگر در میان جمع ورزشکاران بود.

سرابی گفت: اگر تختی و بسیاری از نامدارن عرصه کشتی پهلوان شدند فقط به این خاطر بود که ورزش و قهرمانی را برای عشق و علاقه به وطن و مردم انجام می‌دادند در  غیر این صورت می‌توانستند این توانایی‌ها را در کسب و کار خرج کنند.

خاطرات ورزشی

وی به یکی از خاطرات ورزشی در مسابقات برون مرزی اشاره کرد و گفت: در یکی از مسابقات بدنسازی قهرمانی آسیا در کشور مالزی دیدن رقیب بروسلی در فیلم اژدها وارد می‌شود برایم جالب و دیدنی بود، اما وقتی وارد گود رقابت شدیم به خودم افتخار کردم و در همان مسابقات در سال 1355 عنوان قهرمانی را کسب کردم.

قهرمان اسبق بدنسازی درباره مشکلات و سختی‌های دوران ورزشی خود گفت: با وجود مشکلات آن زمان و نبود امکانات ورزشی و همچنین عدم وجود فدراسیون پرورش اندام به طور مجزا، انگیزه‌ام را ازدست ندادم و به تمرینات طاقت فرسای خود در زمینه پرورش اندام با جدیدت ادامه دادم و توانستم در سال 1350 عنوان آقای ایران را با قهرمانی در مسابقات بدنسازی بدست آورم.

سرابی از سال 1350 تا 1355 به طور متوالی موفق به  قهرمانی رشته کوتاه قد و کسب عنوان آقای ایران شد و خود را بیش از پیش به جامعه ورزش ایران معرفی کرد و عنوان پهلوان اسطوره را از آن خود کرد. وی به دلیل مشکلات ایران بعد از پیروزی انقلاب اسلامی و شروع جنگ تحمیلی به طور ناعادلانه‌ای از رقابت‌های حرفه‌ای در بهترین زمان شکوفایی خود جا ماند و نتوانست شکوه هرچه بیشتر نام پدر پرورش اندام ایران را به نمایش بگذارد.

قهرمان اسبق بدنسازی در ادامه صحبت با اشاره به دوری اجباری از کورس قهرمانی بعد از 17سال مجدد فعالیت جدی خود را در این رشته ورزشی آغاز کرد و در سال 1375 توانست عنوان قهرمانی استادان بزرگ آسیا را کسب نماید و بار دیگر مهر تائید بر توانایی‌های خود بگذارد.

سرابی با آموزش و یاری پسرش سامان راه خود را در این ورزش ادامه داد و توانست فرزندی قهرمان با افتخارات بسیار تحویل جامعه پرورش اندام دهد. او با یاری پسرش اقدام به تالیف کتاب اصول پرورش اندام، بادی کلاسیک و پاورلیفتینگ از زبان سهراب و سامان سرابی کرده است تا چراغ راه فعالان و علاقمندان در این عرصه باشد.

وی در حال حاضر از فعالان  عرصه  مربیگری پرورش اندام  ایران است، که قهرمانان بزرگی چون علی تبریزی را تربیت کرده است و همچنین  داور خوش نام مسابقات پرورش اندام نیز می‌باشد.

سرابی که در برگزاری مسابقات کراس فیت انتخابی استان حضور داشت درباره این رشته ورزشی گفت: این رشته ورزشی نوپا و جوان که در جمع میان جوانان و نوجوانان علاقه‌مند اشتیاق فراوانی ایجاد کرده است رشته‌ای بسیار تخصصی، سخت و نفس‌گیر است، بنابراین نباید در قالب هیئت همگانی مطرح شود چون انتظار هیئت همگانی ورزش‌هایی است که همگان بتوانند به راحتی از پس انجام تمرین و مسابقات آن برآیند.

سرابی ادامه داد: برخی از ورزشکاران که در رشته‌هایی وارداتی همچون کراس‌فیت تمرین و مسابقاتی را نیز برگزار  می‌کنند، گفت: در برخی موارد این ورزشکاران از نظر تنفس و قدرت بدنی دچار مشکلات می‌شدند، ضمن احترام به همه رشته‌های ورزشی که در راستای اعتلای ورزش استان گام بر می‌دارند انتظار دارم اگر قرار است رشته‌ای ورزشی به عنوان یک ورزش مفرح و شاداب مطرح شود در خصوص استانداردسازی تمرینات و همچنین مسابقات برنامه‌ریزی صورت گیرد تا خدای نکرده به این جوانان و نوجوان که با شوق و اشتیاق فراوانی در مسابقات حضور پیدا می‌کنند آسیبی وارد نشود.


این پیشکسوت بدنسازی در خصوص این رشته گفت: بدنسازی یکی از موثرترین رشته‌های ورزشی است که باعث افزایش اعتماد به نفس در نوجوانان می‌شود فرد بعد از مدتی که به تمرینات این رشته می‌پردازد با تغییرات ظاهری که دوستانش در بدن وی مشاهده می‌کنند شروع به تحسین او می‌کنند. بدنسازی به جوانان کمک می‌کند که باعث ترویج فرهنگ صحیح ورزش، نظم و انضباط در کارها بهبودی خلق و خو و همچنین باعث افزایش قدرت مسئولیت پذیری خواهد شد.


وی درباره استفاده از مکمل‌ها در رشته بدنسازی گفت: بدون تردید در همه رشته‌های ورزشی ورزشکاران حرفه‌ای نیاز به مکمل پیدا خواهند کرد، چرا که در اثر تمرینات مداوم بخشی از ویتامین‌های مفید بدن خود را از دست خواهند داد و اگر در این رابطه تغذیه مناسب نداشته باشند بدنشان تحلیل می‌یابد و نیاز به مکمل خواهند داشت. البته این مکمل‌ها باید استاندارد و از منابع معتبر تهیه شود که مهمترین آن داروخانه‌ها و مراکز درمانی است و به نظر من باشگاه‌های ورزشی نباید در بحث تغذیه و توزیع مکمل‌ها اقدام کنند. چون نحوه ارائه مکمل‌ها نیاز به تشخیص و دستورالعمل خاصی دارد که پزشک متخصص تغذیه می‌تواند نسخه کند در غیر این صورت توصیه می‌کنم ورزشکاران از مکمل‌ها استفاده نکنند.


809 پاسخ
  1. baf
    baf گفته:

    Below you will find all of the biggest jackpot winners. The Mega Moolah game is a Guinness World Record Holder for the biggest jackpot of all time. Some of the jackpots below were won at land-based casinos, while others were won at the Betsson online casino and the Grand Mondial casino. This one came in 2011, when an online casino player out of Norway landed a $17.3 million jackpot on the Arabian Knights online slot. The online casino, Betsson, is not available in the US, but the game is made by NetEnt, which does power some online casinos in the US. While neither Golden Nugget nor BetMGM houses Arabian Knights, it may be accessible to American players somewhere. “I did everything I could the best way I knew how to change it, but this reality genuinely hurts & will take time to process.”
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  2. Injet
    Injet گفته:

    If your group is below 6 you can pay for the additional members upon arrival or email our team to add on the additional players; if over the maximum per room we cannot guarantee availability for the additional guests. You can reduce players and receive a refund for the ticket up until 48 hours prior to your booking by emailing our team on . We do not offer refunds for non arrivals. In advance collect a stack of fairly large cardboard boxes. Line them up and cut out some windows. You could also paint and decorate the front one as the engine. When the kids arrive get them all to help you paint the train carriages whilst waiting for the other kids to arrive. One of the oldest games in the world, musical chairs is always a good option. It is a great game that will keep kids entertained and occupied for a while. Basically, you set up one less chair than the number of kids playing.
    Get ready to enjoy this thrilling obstacle course upgraded with the game Geometry Dash: Double Wave! Complete exciting levels with different levels of difficulty and control your plane and its symmetrical one at the same time as you try your best to avoid dozens of obstacles.Can you reach the green portal at the end of the road? Test your incredible reflexes, be precise with your every move, reach the mysterious level 15 and do your best to solve the unique puzzles that await you on the other side of the screen. Good luck…Who created Geometry Dash: Double Wave?This game was developed by JellyLab. Fun games for every class Find you next favorite game from our variety catalog Description Ben 10 Gold Digger: Your’re the Digger. Crush all the gold bars that are waiting for you in each level. It’s all about timing and precision as you break up gold bars descending deeper and deeper into the earth. How deep will you mine before you make that fatal mistake?

  3. Mom
    Mom گفته:

    The technical event is relatively simple: Bitcoin miners get paid in bitcoin to validate transactions, and after 210,000 blocks of transactions are computed and added to the main chain, the reward given to the miners securing bitcoin is ‘halved.’ Members of the U-M community are prohibited from using university resources (including computing equipment, network services, and electricity) for cryptocurrency mining activities outside of faculty-approved research and coursework. Let’s explore the depths of this proverbial mine to help you decide whether to delve deep into the digital trenches as a crypto investor or remain safely above ground. Stocks Recommendations This change may require current miners to reassess their involvement in the Ethereum network. While some may choose to become validators, others may decide to shift their focus to other cryptocurrencies that still use a PoW model.
    Bitcoin has consolidated above $10,000 this week. This is a pretty decent amount for one coin, so you might wonder how many people hold at least 1 BTC. In the following years, there was little information about the mysterious BTC stash that the government of the Eastern European country might own. One person who tried to raise the topic again is Member of Parliament Ivaylo Marchev, who requested detailed information about the seizure and the exact whereabouts of the holdings. However, the authorities did not cooperate, leaving the matter an unsolved secret. The upcoming Bitcoin halving (or “halvening”) event in April 2024 generates significant interest among investors, as investors expect it to influence the price of Bitcoin. Historically, halving events, occurring approximately every four years and reducing the reward for mining new blocks by half, have increased Bitcoin prices.

  4. Cooca
    Cooca گفته:

    Predictor Aviator is a popular Android app that helps you win the Aviator game. It claims to predict the outcome of the next round with 95% accuracy. However, the app is expensive and its prediction algorithm is unclear. To download the Aviator Predictor APK for Android, first, search the name “Aviator” in your play store, then choose Download Predictor Aviator. It’s that simple and easy to find and download. Aviator Predictor is an innovative application designed to enhance players’ chances of winning money while playing the Aviator game. Free Fire OB41 update is set to introduce a new Character, Modes and more Predictor Aviator APK latest version download for android. Aviator is an online game through which money can be earned. With this game you can increase your money manifold. Predictor Aviator Apk is an application through which you will know what is going to happen in the game. To download Predictor Aviator, we have given a link in the post.
    Aviator is not a traditional slot or casino game. It was developed by Spribe, a smaller company that specialises in unique gaming experiences. Aviator is what is known as a crash game. Aviator describes itself as a new generation of iGaming entertainment, and we must admit, we found the game hugely enjoyable to play. The concept is simple but incredibly effective, and the ability to interact with players definitely provides a different experience. If you’re looking for something different, Aviator could be the game for you. “We see the key areas our partners focus on and where they invest their marketing and it’s all about slots, instant games, crash games, et cetera. These are the major growth areas but live casino and live entertainment are still there. The way to win in Aviator is to successfully press cash out before the Aviator plane flies away. Once the betting phase has ended, the round starts at the set bet value with the plane increasing by 0.1x until it reaches the final amount. You can either cash out early for a small return or stick for as long as possible before pressing cash out to maximise your total return.

  5. Cooca
    Cooca گفته:

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    nthyqcllx گفته:

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    xrcsznuwb گفته:

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    bmzwvmgsm گفته:

    @tombachik Here’s a very different take on the trend. Sara has lacquered her lashes with oodles of purple-hued mascara instead of painting her lids purple. If you’re looking for something unique, you might want to give this one a try. A Pink & Plum Eye Look ft. Sydney Grace x Temptalia If you fell in love with the reverse winged eyeliner trend, you’ll love this unique purple eyeshadow look. Use a neutral shade up top, like ITTSĒ COSMETICS The Fulton Magnetic Eyeshadow Palette, and follow up with a clear glitter. Then, use a purple eyeshadow stick, like BOBBI BROWN Long-Wear Cream Eyeshadow Stick in Violet Plum on the bottom, right underneath the lash line. Finally, extend it outwards to create a totally gorgeous and unique wing. Combine your favourite purple eyeshadow with some lilac and pink shades for this dreamy eyeshadow look. Smokey, hot and captivating! Finish off the look with some matching purple eyeliner on your lower lids.
    An oldie-but-a-goodie, Collection’s ultra-cheap liquid eyeliner is definitive proof that more £££ doesn’t always mean better quality. The purse-friendly liner is as jet-black as they come, meaning if you want to craft a bold cat eye, there’s none better. The nib is solid and sharp, meaning you just have to press it onto the lid to create a clean wing. © L’Oréal USA. This site is for U.S. consumers. Cookies, related technologies and device identification are used for Personalized Advertising. The winged eyeliner craze is a makeup trend that’s stuck around since its advent in the ’60s. Creating a bold, beautiful, wide-open look, the cat’s eye is a mainstay in many women’s everyday makeup routine. But for as sharp and sultry as the winged liner trend might be, the process of achieving it can often feel clumsy and ungraceful.

  10. mkhufhrlu
    mkhufhrlu گفته:

    A highlighter and color-corrector for your entire eye area. Want us to email you promotions and discounts? Highlighting Duo Pencil  LOST ORDERS The nude colour is perfect to brighten your eyes as well as contour your lips. With a pinkish undertone, this liner will add soft definition to your eyes and lips and leave your eyes looking naturally bright, and your lips supple and full.  Careers – Join Purely Polished Makeup Artist Program WARNING: California Residents – Proposition 65 Benefits: View full description Also cream eyeshadows like this one can work amazing to highlight the inner corner of the eyes. AND of course, shimmer liquid eyeshadow is also GREAT to wear as highlighter, especially to highlight the inner corner of the eye. $20.00 $10.00 $20.00 This highlighter is best for dark skin tones.Color Characteristics• Never ashy, but brightens with a neutral peach undertone• Great for creating contrast on darker skin tones
    Whatever your look of choice is, I tried and tested probably over 30 eyeliners in the last few years, and just under ten liners in the last few weeks alone. Yes, just like sunscreen, I take my eyeliner very seriously. The criteria for a good eyeliner isn’t just how good it looks; it’s how easy it is to apply (sans Q-tips cleanup) and how long it lasts. What good is a perfect wing if it’s flaking and smearing off in an hour? Eyeliner Wing Stamp Pen There is no excuse not to have this $2 waterproof eyeliner in your makeup kit. Once you try it, you might never understand why you ever spent more than the price of a can of Coke on eyeliner. For more rock-and-roll makeup looks, Shackleton is a fan of Wet N Wild’s Metallic Mega Liner, which comes in both metallic brown and gunmetal. The hint of glitter is quite wearable, she says, and adds some “shine and dimension” to the eye. When drawing your flick, Shackleton says that if you extend it out too far past your eye or angle it too low, the eye can actually begin to look droopy. To make sure your eye looks elongated and open, she suggests using your lower lash line as a guide, and stopping where your lower lash line ends.

  11. esafelcor
    esafelcor گفته:

    Ready to enjoy a unique and inimitable archery game with Ragdoll Archers? Wield your bow with all your strength and get ready to shoot your arrows as accurately as possible to annihilate your enemies before they kill you. It seems easy, but only a good control of physics and a great pulse will allow you to win the victory, take into account your energy bar, protect your life at all times and enjoy the incredible and simple graphics while you surround yourself with bombs, sparks, explosions and lots of blood! Good luck…Who created Ragdoll Archers?This game is developed by Ericetto. These games can feature a variety of settings and themes. Some may take place in realistic environments, such as forests, castles, or ancient ruins, while others explore fantasy or historical worlds, offering unique backdrops and immersive atmospheres. Bow and arrow games on SiverGames often require players to consider factors such as wind direction, gravity, and the speed of moving targets. They may also offer different types of arrows with special abilities, allowing players to strategize and adapt their approach to different challenges.
    Minecraft is a “sandbox” game, which refers to the way children play in a sandbox: they can make up their own goals, build whatever they like, and destroy what they have built if they want to use the same space and materials to try something different. There is no single pre-set goal to achieve in Minecraft, and players have a huge amount of freedom to choose how they want to interact with their environment. There are various game modes and difficulty settings that allow you to tailor the gameplay to your wishes. There is a free trial of both the Bedrock and Java versions of the game for people who want to get a taste of the infinite hours of fun that Minecraft can bring but are unwilling to pay the admission cost. You may find download pages for the Bedrock Edition, which is available on Windows, Android, PS3 4 5, and PS Vita, via Minecraft’s official website.

  12. baazpjwsj
    baazpjwsj گفته:

    Asia and Middle East In our data center, the customer’s server equipment is located in a secure, air-conditioned and server-adapted data center. The equipment room is located in the former bank vault at our Kuopio office at Niiralankatu 16, 70600 KUOPIO. Turkey based Dedicated Servers And before @yoursunny yelps, these systems include both IPv4 and IPv6. In our Premium Control panel, you can reboot and reinstall your server in a single click without any worry. Please use a valid e-mail address, we will send a link to verify it and will use it to notify you once the review has been approved. All our OpenVZ servers rely on amazingly fast processors and NVMe drives and offer a great foundation for your sites. You can get very large CPU and RAM quotas at very low prices and use this power to turbocharge your websites. You will also get our free Web Hosting Control Panel, which comes with tons of free bonuses and tools, and which will help you manage your websites and the server itself more efficiently and improve their performance even further.
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  13. kaihsuqid
    kaihsuqid گفته:

    Rummy is amongst the most popular games in India. It’s easy, fun and packed with a healthy dose of challenge that will keep you coming back for more. RummyCircle is the online rummy platform that lets you play rummy and at the same time, brings excitement to your preferred device. We bring the very same game that was previously limited to small groups of friends and family with a digital avatar. Fast gameplay, secure platform and safe transactions along with international standards of gameplay, makes us amongst India’s most popular gaming websites. With over 30 million players, and round the clock games, you can play rummy online with the best of players at any hour of the day. We bring together a multiplayer game environment that lets you pick the best of tournaments along with the rummy game of your choice combined with safe and secure gameplay.
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  14. stqjqgmxd
    stqjqgmxd گفته:

    Aviator Predictor Android is a forecasting tool for the Aviator betting game at different online casinos where people play with real money. The objective is to predict when the virtual plane will drop to obtain maximum earnings and win money on our bets. The real-time data analysis capability of the Aviator predictor is a game-changer. It scrutinizes the ongoing flight data as the game progresses, providing dynamic insights into the plane behavior. This includes analyzing the rate at which the multiplier increases and predicting potential patterns based on the current game session, acting almost like a Lopebet Aviator hack. Navigating the murky waters of online betting tools brings us to the topic of the Pin Up Aviator Predictor, an app that is garnered attention within the Pin Up Casino community. Promising to boost players chances of winning by generating predictions based on collaborations with reputed companies, this tool has piqued the interest of many.
    Funds are instantly reflected in the user’s betting account, but if they have not been reflected, they can contact customer support via Live Chat or email (contact@1win.xyz). There are many gambling games, but there is a special one among them – Aviator real cash game. It is included in the list of the most popular gambling games among the inhabitants of India and the reasons for this are quite a lot. At the moment there is a huge number of aviator casinos where you can try your luck in this game. Aviator was developed by Spribe OU and is a game where everything will depend on your luck. Such great popularity among the inhabitants of India game has because of the simple rules and a real chance to increase your bet by 100 times or more. But do not delay too long because there is a chance to lose as well.

  15. MartyKam
    MartyKam گفته:

    Автоматы Ballon поднимают настроение каждому.: balloon game – balloon казино демо

  16. rkxnnamfq
    rkxnnamfq گفته:

    Aviator Predictor APK’nın güvenliği, onu nereden indirdiğinize bağlıdır. Oyunu saygın bir web sitesinden indirirseniz, muhtemelen güvenli olacaktır. Bugüne kadar slot felan derken kumarda herşeyimi kaybettim hiç hayattan ümidim yokken aviatoryazılım ile tanıştım şu an ailem ile beraber çok mutluyuz çünki çok fazla paramız var. Tüm yeni kullanıcılar için Aviator Predictor app uygulamasının kullanımında kısıtlamalar vardır. Uygulama 1 saat çalışır ve sonraki 23 saat boyunca engellenir. Aviator Predictor uygulamasını almak için beş basit adım. Predictor Aviator uygulamasını bugünden itibaren nasıl kullanmaya başlayacağınız hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin. Aviator Predictor APK’nın ana dezavantajlarından biri, Google Play Store’da mevcut olmamasıdır. Bu, oyuncuların APK dosyasını üçüncü taraf bir web sitesinden indirmesi gerektiği anlamına gelir ve bu riskli olabilir. Diğer bir dezavantaj ise oyunun oyuncular için herhangi bir bonus veya promosyon sunmamasıdır.
    LDPlayer is an Android emulator that allows you to play mobile games, including Aviator Hack. It creates an advanced space with added features and optimizations over your Aviator Hack gameplay, so the benefits of playing this game through the emulator are as follows. Aviator is available in the demo mode. The Hack Mode feature of Aviator game prediction online provides a new and unique way to increase your chances of winning. Once you have downloaded the app, you can activate it, and it will guide you in making better and more well-informed bets. We have compiled a guide on how to utilize this feature to improve your gameplay: Keep your Aviator game login safe since it’s very important to keep your username and password private. Change your password often and don’t share it with anyone. This helps protect your account and keep your data private.


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